Biden is anticipated to sign an order limiting asylum petitions at the southern border

As per reports, President Joe Biden is likely to release an executive order that may impose restrictions on the influx of immigrants through the southern border.

Cities like Denver, which have invested millions of dollars on immigrants over the past eighteen months, could be affected by the executive order that may be signed as early as Tuesday.

Some people doubt that the challenges with immigration will be resolved by the executive order, despite it being anticipated for some time.

Christina Brown, executive director of the Colorado Asylum Center, a legal aid organization focused on providing representation and support to immigrants seeking asylum, believes that the issue of immigration is heavily influenced by political factors. As an immigration attorney, Brown has firsthand experience with the challenges faced by those navigating the complex asylum process.

Upon discovering that the President was contemplating the issuance of an executive order, Brown expressed her disappointment.

Brown expressed his disappointment with the administration’s decision to politicize asylum seekers, which he believes is a ploy to gain an advantage in the upcoming presidential election.

Sources have indicated that plans are being finalized to restrict the number of immigrants eligible to apply for asylum in the event of a surge in border crossings. The proposal would mandate that such individuals return to Mexico and postpone their application until the average daily crossings drop below a specified threshold.

According to Brown, there’s not much difference in the immigration policies at the border between the Biden and Trump administrations.

President Biden is expected to announce executive action on immigration

Voters are increasingly concerned about immigration, making it a top priority issue. In the last year and a half alone, Denver has welcomed over 42,000 immigrants, resulting in the City spending more than $70 million in taxpayer dollars to provide housing and food for them.

When questioned by Denver7 on Monday, Mayor Mike Johnston stated that he was unaware of the president’s intentions.

Johnston admitted that he had not yet read the article, stating that he had only come across the news alert on his phone, just like the reader.

Senator John Hickenlooper from Colorado has referred to the executive order as “severe” but has also pointed out that this action was taken due to the Republican party’s refusal to participate in a bipartisan agreement that was proposed earlier this year.

According to Hickenlooper, our country’s border security would be much stronger if Republicans prioritized our national security over their party’s campaign agenda. He believes that a bipartisan border bill could have been passed to address the crisis, but unfortunately, it has been 118 days since such a bill was proposed. He expressed his disappointment that Republicans boycotted the bill, which they had demanded and negotiated. As a result, President Biden had to take drastic measures through the executive order. Hickenlooper thinks that we could have done much more and much better if Republicans truly cared about solving this crisis.

Denver, a city located in the state of Colorado, is a popular destination for tourists and travelers alike. It is known for its scenic beauty, vibrant culture, and unique attractions. Whether you’re looking to explore the great outdoors or enjoy a night out on the town, Denver has plenty to offer. With its stunning Rocky Mountain views, numerous parks, and bustling downtown area, it’s easy to see why Denver is often referred to as the Mile High City.

Denver launching Work Ready program to integrate new immigrants into labor force

In the opinion of U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, an executive order wouldn’t be sufficient to address the crisis at the border.

According to Johnson, President Biden has intentionally created chaos at the southern border and is now attempting to convince Americans that he is working to address it. However, the American people are aware of the reality and know that an executive order won’t be enough to resolve the situation.

According to Brown, individuals who are immigrating to seek asylum have the legal right to do so in the United States. She expressed her belief that the executive order would not withstand legal examination.

According to Brown, the idea of it being held up in federal court seems unlikely as it is not legal.

Instead of focusing on political games, she keeps the needs of displaced individuals at the forefront of her mind. Those who have been forced to leave their homes and are now in a difficult position are the center of her attention.

Brown emphasized the importance of demonstrating empathy towards individuals who are forced to relinquish all they have in order to stay alive.