Woman asserts she is Cherrie Mahan, the 8-year-old Pennsylvania girl who disappeared from a bus stop in 1985

According to recent reports, a woman has come forward claiming to be Cherri Mahan, the long-lost Pennsylvania girl who vanished after being dropped off by her school bus in February 1985. Despite being missing for over three decades, there has been no trace of Cherri – until now. The woman’s claim has yet to be verified, but if true, it could finally bring long-awaited closure to Cherri’s family and loved ones.

The claims of an unidentified woman who believes she is 8-year-old Mahan, who disappeared from the bus stop in front of her home in Winfield Township, Butler County almost 40 years ago, are currently being investigated by the Pennsylvania State Police.

According to a report by the Butler Eagle, state police were alerted to a post made by a woman claiming to be Cherrie Mahan in a “Memories of Cherrie Mahan” Facebook group last month.

According to her active missing persons case, Cherrie was spotted disembarking from the bus at the stop located at the bottom of her driveway shortly after 4 p.m. on February 22, 1985.

Investigators stated that they observed a blue 1976 Dodge van close to the area where the disappearance occurred, which was adorned with a mural of a skier on a mountain. It is probable that this van was involved in her disappearance.

A distressing video has surfaced showing how Madeline Soto’s suspected murderer reported her missing in a nonchalant manner.

According to a local news publication, Janice McKinney, Cherrie’s mother, is skeptical about the woman who claims to be her daughter, now 46 years old, and does not believe her.

According to McKinney, the woman seemed to genuinely believe that she was Cherrie, despite not bearing any resemblance to her. “It was quite perplexing,” McKinney shared with the Eagle.

Since the disappearance of Cherrie, there have been four women who have come forward claiming to be her. There has been a standing reward of $5,000 for anyone who can provide information that leads to the discovery of Cherrie and/or an arrest.

According to the local publication, she expressed that she anticipates chaos in February and August. However, this recent incident caught her off guard. She mentioned that she was completely unaware of it until someone informed her about it over the phone.

Cherrie’s disappearance has left a lasting impact on her loved ones, as expressed by the statement, “If you wanted your 15 minutes of fame, you’ve already blown it,” and “People are mean, they are cruel, but this affects me really crazy. It’s gonna be 40 years since Cherrie’s been missing.” It is clear that the pain and frustration of not knowing what happened to Cherrie continues to haunt those closest to her.

The authorities are currently engaged in the process of identifying the woman and are collaborating with an agency outside the state to establish communication with her.

The Facebook group has removed the woman’s posts from their platform.

McKinney is aware that Cherrie, regardless of her state, is receiving proper care.

According to the speaker, she has always had a feeling that the person in question is doing fine. In her opinion, if the person is no longer alive, they must have gone to heaven and reunited with her parents and brothers. On the other hand, if the person is still alive, someone must be looking after them. However, the speaker is uncertain about the reason behind her intuition.

However, this does not imply that the mother has found peace and resolution.

McKinney expressed a desire for all investigators who have worked on Cherrie’s case to gather and have a conversation. He believes that there is a missing piece of information somewhere, and someone out there knows it.

A request for information made to the Pennsylvania State Police has not yet been returned.

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