Is someone you love in a nursing home? Call an ombudsman if there’s an issue

Long-term care is a necessity for many individuals, and nursing homes are often the chosen option. However, safety can sometimes be a concern in these facilities.

Watching an aging parent or loved one in a long-term care facility can be an incredibly stressful experience.

Thankfully, the Tennessee Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman has the ability to provide you and your loved ones with some much-needed relief.

Assisting her mother became a necessity for Ruby Smith when she broke her leg during her stay at a long-term care facility.

“I was seeking answers and more information,” expressed Ruby Smith. “I wanted the state to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire incident, and I was keen to know the outcome and how we could assist her in her healing process.”

While at her mother’s facility, Smith came across the phone number for the state long-term care ombudsman.

Smith expressed, “At this point, I had nothing to lose.”

When Ruby reached out for help, Teresa Teeple, the state long-term ombudsman, was there to answer her call. As an ombudsman, Teeple is dedicated to advocating for adults who reside in long-term care facilities.

With a smile, Teeple stated that they usually introduce themselves as advocates since the term “Ombudsman” doesn’t accurately convey their role.

Teeple highlights that the increase in complaints can be attributed to staffing problems in facilities.

Teeple pointed out that in certain care facilities, there is a shortage of staff to cater to the needs of the residents. In contrast, other facilities have staff who lack adequate training to provide proper care to their residents.

Regrettably, ombudsmen frequently receive complaints concerning abuse, neglect, and exploitation, which are the most common issues. Additionally, they often receive complaints related to care quality, autonomy, choice, and rights, as well as concerns regarding admission, transfer, discharge, and eviction. Furthermore, they also receive complaints about the living environment and dietary matters.

In fiscal year 2023, the office recorded the highest number of complaints it has ever received, and the ombudsman tackled over 4,500 of these grievances.

According to Smith, the ombudsman went above and beyond to help her family and her mother who was suffering from dementia. Smith expressed her gratitude by stating that the ombudsman not only provided answers about her mother’s injury but also enhanced her mother’s overall quality of life.

Smith commented that it added years, even to her life.

You can access Ombudsman services for free and confidentially from any location in Tennessee.

If you require assistance in a particular area of the state, simply dial 877-236-0013 to connect with an advocate.

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