GOP leads effort to reach Black voters with Trump’s VP contender as Biden loses grip

Trump VP contender leads GOP effort to reach Black voters as Biden loses grip

Senator Tim Scott, a Republican from South Carolina, is leading an effort through his aligned PAC to connect with Black voters before the upcoming election. There is mounting apprehension about President Biden’s standing among this crucial demographic, which is credited with securing his victory in the 2020 election.

The Great Opportunity PAC has recently announced a $14.3 million plan to target Black and Hispanic voters in key battleground states leading up to the general election.

According to Senator Scott, the Republican Party has a strong marketing machine and a powerful voice, with former President Trump being an expert at using it. “The Republican Party has, I think … a good sense and a good marketing machine and, frankly, a good microphone and someone who is good at speaking into that microphone,” said Scott. Trump is widely considered as the presumptive nominee for the 2024 presidential race under the Republican banner.

During a strategy briefing, he emphasized the immense potential to make this election vastly different from the previous one.

In a memo released on Thursday, Jennifer DeCasper, the Executive Director of PAC, emphasized that the outcome of the White House, Senate, and House control could be determined by a mere 100,000 votes across six states.

According to her, Black and Hispanic voters’ voting behavior has undergone gradual and organic changes over the years. Nevertheless, she pointed out that the investment required to secure and gain their vote has not been made yet.

According to Scott’s PAC, they are planning a comprehensive communications and voter outreach strategy that will focus on swing and low-propensity Black and brown voters. The campaign is expected to be all-encompassing, covering all aspects of voter engagement and reaching out to voters through various channels.

The group has allocated $9 million towards direct voter contact, which is their biggest investment. Apart from that, they have planned to spend a significant amount on operations and legal, survey research, data and analytics, and earned and paid media.

DeCasper’s initiative aims to reach out to low-propensity and swing Black and Hispanic voters in key Presidential and Senate states. The objective is to persuade and mobilize them to vote in the upcoming elections.

The strategy entails a range of activities involving notable representatives, including elected officials. In addition, it will leverage tactics like canvassing, digital marketing, direct mail, and focused paid advertising.

The Bronx in New York City was the destination for Trump’s rally, where he made an appearance.

DeCasper suggests that a mere two-point increase in Trump’s margin with non-college-educated voters and a three-point increase with non-white voters could lead to a significant victory in the Electoral College. In fact, this strategy could potentially result in Trump winning five additional states, bringing his total Electoral College victory to 297-241.

According to her, the impact of this change will be felt in multiple crucial Senate races.

According to Scott, President Trump has been successful in his efforts to reach out to voters in innovative ways and unconventional locations that have not been explored before.

It’s worth noting that Scott is among the top contenders on Trump’s list of potential running mates for the upcoming presidential election in November.

DeCasper stated in the memo that Black voters are currently in a worse position due to Bidenflation and Bidenomics than they were during the Trump administration. However, he emphasized that this alone is not sufficient to cause a shift in the usual voting trends.

According to Sarafina Chitika, senior spokesperson for the Biden campaign, Donald Trump is approaching his campaign the same way he has approached his life, with a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of Black people and their communities.

When Donald Trump first entered public life, he falsely accused five black men of murder. Later, during his political career, he tried to delegitimize the first Black president as the architect of birtherism. It’s clear why Trump shut down the RNC’s minority outreach centers soon after taking over and why he’s now resorting to trotting out backbenchers and C-listers to defend his racist agenda. In contrast, President Biden is showing true leadership by campaigning and personally earning the support of Black Americans rather than asking for it. “That is what leadership looks like,” as stated by the speaker.

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