Trump leads Biden among elderly voters in Arizona

AARP’s release of 2024 voter survey data reveals that Donald Trump is currently leading President Joe Biden by a margin of 9 percentage points among voters aged 50 and above in Arizona.

According to the survey, Trump is leading the President by a margin of 52% to 43%. However, the results show that both candidates are closely matched when it comes to female voters in the same age bracket.

According to Bob Ward, a partner at Fabrizio Ward, who conducted a poll in collaboration with Impact Research, the majority of voters in Arizona will consist of older individuals aged 50 and above. Ward revealed that their survey showed 55% of voters would be from this age group, which is consistent with the figure recorded in 2020.

The majority of the Arizona electorate is comprised of an outsized voter bloc that will hold significant sway in determining the victor of this pivotal battleground state.

A recent survey highlighted the top concerns of voters aged 50 and above, which included immigration, the economy, inflation, and social security.

According to Ward, if we observe people who consider social security as a very or extremely important issue, which comprises three out of four older voters in Arizona, Trump is leading the race. As a seasoned politician, Ward believes that social security is often seen as a Democratic issue rather than a Republican one. This realization should serve as a significant wake-up call for the Biden campaign.


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As per the voters ABC15 had a conversation with, they are looking for a president who can take on the border issue, ensure global harmony amidst the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, and also lower the prices of basic necessities such as groceries and gas.

An 87-year-old man named Gene expressed his disappointment with the measly $4 raise on disability they received last year, saying “whoopee!” sarcastically. He believes that America should prioritize taking care of its citizens before anything else. Gene pointed out that many people are struggling to afford basic necessities, such as gas and rent. Despite his frustration, he remains a patriotic citizen who believes that the country needs Trump now more than ever.

Steven is searching for a candidate who possesses the ability to restore Democracy.

According to ABC15, an Arizona voter named Steven stated that Biden is known for his empathy towards people and his efforts to improve their lives.

According to the survey, a significant percentage of voters aged 50 and above, specifically 22%, are open to voting outside their party line down the ballot. This indicates that a considerable number of individuals remain undecided and can still be swayed to vote in favor of a particular candidate or party.

According to Ward, a significant portion of the largest slice of the electorate is open to hearing candidates’ messages regardless of their political affiliation. This means that even if someone is undecided on one race or considers themselves a member of either the Republican or Democrat party, they are still willing to listen to what candidates have to say. This is an important insight as it shows that voters are not necessarily locked into one particular political ideology and are still open to considering different perspectives.

According to the survey, Democrat Ruben Gallego is currently in the lead for Arizona’s Senate race, with 48% of likely voters aged 18 and above supporting him. Republican Kari Lake trails behind with 45% of the same demographic.

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