Last year’s wheat harvest cannot be compared to this year’s

The Kansas wheat harvest is currently underway and has already covered almost half of the state. According to the Kansas Wheat website, combines were in operation as far north as Lincoln County on Tuesday, marking the second day of the harvest reports.

According to Doug Zeller, a grain merchandiser at the Scoular Grain elevator in Wellington, many farmers are experiencing high yields and proteins in their crops. He reported that the test weights are averaging between 62 to 63 pounds per bushel, while proteins are remaining steady at 11 to 12.5%. This is great news for farmers who are dedicated to producing high-quality crops.

According to the statement given to Kansas Wheat, he mentioned that this year has exceeded expectations in both aspects. He added that a higher yield usually results in lower protein and test weights, but surprisingly, this year it is not the case.

Tim Turk, a farmer located near South Haven, began harvesting wheat earlier than usual this year. He has achieved impressive yields ranging from 40 to over 70 bushels per acre, with test weights of 62 pounds per bushel and protein levels between 10-12%. Turk is particularly satisfied with the AP Prolific, AP18 AX, AP24 AX and Bob Dole varieties.

Turek expressed amazement at the remarkable recovery of the wheat this year despite the whirlwind weather conditions. According to him, the progress made in genetics over the past several years played a significant role in this success. He further added that he couldn’t believe how far they’ve come since his childhood when wheat wouldn’t have been able to endure the same conditions.

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