Michigan Convicts Major Drug Dealer on Multiple Drug and Weapons Charges

Michigan Convicts Major Drug Dealer on Multiple Drug and Weapons Charges

A federal jury has found Ricardo Delgado, II, guilty of several drug and weapons offenses, including drug conspiracy, possession of large quantities of cocaine and fentanyl with intent to distribute, possession of multiple machine guns, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. Delgado, who led a major drug conspiracy in the Saginaw-Bay area, now faces serious consequences for his criminal activities.

In the case of Delgado, a 51-year-old individual, the conviction was based on charges of conspiracy to possess and distribute a minimum of five kilograms of cocaine, possession with intent to distribute a minimum of five kilograms of cocaine, possession with intent to distribute a minimum of 400 grams of fentanyl, possession of a machine gun with intent to commit a drug trafficking crime, possession of a firearm with intent to further a drug trafficking crime, possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime, possession of a machine gun, being a felon in possession of a firearm, possession of an unregistered silencer, and use of communication facility to commit a drug offense.

According to court documents, Delgado participated in a drug conspiracy that spanned a wide area and involved the importation of multiple kilograms of cocaine and fentanyl from Mexico. The drugs were intended for distribution in the Saginaw-Bay region.

According to a court-authorized wiretap, FBI agents discovered that Delgado was seeking revenge for the theft of his drugs by a subordinate, and he had instructed the said subordinate to take revenge.

Authorities foiled the plan, and Delgado was subsequently arrested. During the arrest, law enforcement officers found and seized a significant amount of illegal items, including 13 kilograms of cocaine, 2 kilograms of fentanyl, 12 firearms (including two machine guns and two silencers), and over $200,000 in cash from Delgado’s residence.

If Delgado is convicted, he will be required to serve a minimum of 55 years in prison, with the possibility of life imprisonment as the maximum sentence.