High-Speed Chase Through Michigan City Ends in Two Arrests

High-Speed Chase Through Michigan City Ends in Two Arrests

A man from Pennsylvania was chased by state police at high speed into Michigan City, La Porte County.

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, at approximately 1:30 a.m., a State Trooper on patrol along I-94 near the La Porte/Porter County boundary, noticed a grey Toyota SUV recklessly speeding without any headlights.

The SUV raced past the speed limit, clocking in at over 110 mph, as it headed eastbound and eventually took the exit at U.S. 421, where it then turned northward. Despite the pursuit, the vehicle continued on to U.S. 20, heading west before finally conceding to a stop at a truck stop located in Porter.

Authorities suspect that Mohamed A. Ahmad Ahrar, a 26-year-old driver from Mechanicsburg, PA, was driving under the influence of alcohol. A breathalyzer test showed that he was just over the legal limit. Consequently, he was arrested and taken to La Porte County Jail where he is facing charges for three felonies and four misdemeanors.

Joshua C. Reed, a 32-year-old passenger in the vehicle, informed the police that he was unwillingly a part of the joy ride. Nevertheless, he was found to have a controlled substance in his possession and was subsequently arrested.