Mother Shares Heartbreaking Account of Learning Son’s Death in Miami Gardens Crash

Mother Shares Heartbreaking Account of Learning Son's Death in Miami Gardens Crash

The heartbroken mother of a man who lost his life in a devastating crash in Miami Gardens last Tuesday expressed her disbelief at having to bury her own child. The tragedy was something she never thought she would have to face. Despite the pain of her loss, she is determined to honor her son’s memory.

A devastating incident took place at Miami Gardens Drive and NW 22nd Avenue, where the car of Mekhi Hoosein Quiles, a 21-year-old, was struck by an SUV driver, resulting in his unfortunate demise.

According to Narisa Hoosein, her son had passed away just a day before he was accepted into the hospitality program at St. Thomas University, which had been his lifelong dream.

“I am immensely proud of him for all that he has achieved,” she expressed.

Mekhi’s phone notified her of the crash, as she recounted.

According to Hoosein, his phone received a text message at 4:10 AM from an iPhone that detected a crash on Miami Gardens and 22nd Avenue.

As soon as she woke up, she got out of bed and rushed to check on her son.

According to Hoosein, “I was there in no time, just as I would be for anything in his life.”

According to Miami Gardens police, Quiles’ vehicle was struck by an SUV driven by a minor who had run a red light.

Hoosein reminded all the young drivers that driving is a privilege and a car can be a dangerous weapon. He emphasized that driving is not just about having fun, speeding, and going faster.

On Thursday night, a candlelight vigil was held in honor of Mekhi by his grandparents, Hoosein, and his friends.

Quiles’ grandfather expressed his emotional distress about the inevitable reality of aging. He shared that he is at an age where he knows he will eventually pass away, and his grandson would have been the one to bury him. It pains him to think that he is not supposed to take his grandson to his final resting place, but rather the other way around.

While waiting to get into St. Thomas, Quiles worked at a McDonald’s. When his co-workers learned about his passing, they immediately raised $10,000 to assist the family in covering the funeral expenses.