Court files reveal that a woman won a $3 million lawsuit against the CTA while her murder case for killing and butchering her landlord was pending

CHICAGO — Sandra Kolalou, recently sentenced to decades in prison for murdering and dismembering her landlord, won a $3 million lawsuit against the CTA while in jail awaiting trial, court records reveal.

The judge overseeing the ongoing civil suit allowed Kolalou to proceed under her maiden name, Sandra White, following her arrest for the murder and dismemberment of Frances Walker.

The murder allegations against Kolalou and the reason behind her absence from the civil trial (she was incarcerated) were never disclosed to the jurors.

In 2019, a lawsuit was filed in relation to an accident that occurred in Rogers Park on March 1, 2018. The victim, Kolalou, was hit by a #22 Clark bus while she was crossing the street in a crosswalk. The accident happened when the bus was making a left-hand turn at Clark and Howard.

Kolalou took legal action against both the CTA and the bus driver, stating that she had sustained permanent back injuries and may require surgery. She also reported experiencing excruciating pain in her lower back and legs, rating it as a severe 10 out of 10 on a regular basis.

Prosecutors charged Kolalou with the murder of her landlord, Frances Walker, in their West Ridge home, only four months prior to the scheduled trial.

Her civil attorneys attempted to have the jury sequestered for the impending trial, but the effort was unsuccessful. Nonetheless, they managed to persuade the judge to prohibit the use of the name Kolalou during the trial, citing a significant bias against those accused of murder.

Despite being divorced for many years, Sandra White continued to use her married name. However, during the case, she was referred to as Sandra White instead of her married name.

During the trial on February 27, 2023, Kolalou was awarded $3 million by the jury along with the costs.

In May 2023, the CTA filed a motion for a new trial, citing Kolalou’s deposition’s poor audio quality, which had been recorded inside Cook County jail. Additionally, they alleged that she failed to disclose her social media accounts. The court records show these factors as the basis for the CTA’s motion.

According to the CTA’s filing, Kolalou was seen on social media cliff-jumping, swimming with dolphins, roller-skating, playing tennis, wearing high heels, and traveling to far-flung places like Egypt, South Africa, and Mexico, all while suffering from severe leg and back pain.

In the recent past, there was a new trial that occurred, and the second jury almost came to the same conclusion as the first one, granting Kolalou $2.8 million along with the costs. During the trial, a minimum of one expert gave testimony stating that the pictures on social media did not refute her assertions of undergoing excruciating pain in her back and legs.

The CTA made an attempt to secure a third trial, however, their efforts proved unsuccessful and they are currently in the process of appealing. One of the main arguments put forth by the transit agency is that the civil trial should have been delayed until after the criminal case had been resolved. The CTA’s legal team is expected to contend that the value of the accused’s life in prison will differ significantly from if she were free, as she will not be able to pay for private medical services while incarcerated.

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