Shock arrest! Man with AK-47 Arrested Near RNC – You Will Not Believe What Else He Had!

Shock Arrest! Man With AK-47 Caught Near RNC – You Won’t Believe What Else He Had!

Get ready to be spooked! A shocking incident occurred in Milwaukee where a man was caught carrying an AK-47 and a strange assortment of objects outside the RNC security zone. Stay tuned to uncover the bone-chilling details. #News #Milwaukee #RNC2024

A man has been apprehended by authorities outside the security perimeter of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The man was found to be carrying an AK-47, ammunition, and other suspicious items without a concealed carry permit.

Arrest Details

Homeland Security Agents caught Donnell Tinsley, 21, wearing a ski mask and carrying a large tactical backpack. Court documents state that Tinsley seemed anxious, with trembling hands and darting eyes.

Items Found

During the search, Tinsley’s backpack was thoroughly examined by special agents, who uncovered a range of alarming items. These included an AK-47, ammunition, a mask from the movie “Scream,” two sets of black gloves, a flashlight, and spray paint.

On Monday, this occurrence happened outside the RNC’s external security zone, which is a lively spot that’s home to various hotels, bars, and restaurants.

Witnesses and Additional Incidents

According to witnesses, convention attendees were seen passing through the area on Wednesday. However, there was a related incident where 43-year-old Sam Sharp Jr. was shot and killed by Columbus police on RNC duty. It was reported that Sharp Jr. had allegedly threatened another man with a knife prior to the incident.

Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson praised the Columbus officers for rescuing an unarmed man from potential death or severe harm.

Security Measures

Around the clock, the area around the RNC event is heavily patrolled by more than 4,000 officers. However, Mayor Johnson confirmed that there have not been any other significant security concerns despite the recent incidents.

Legal Proceedings

During the court hearing held on Wednesday, Tinsley’s defense attorneys contended that he lacked the ability to participate in the trial. As a result, he will undergo an evaluation by a forensics unit, and the court has ordered him to remain in custody until further assessment is carried out.

We will keep you informed as this story continues to unfold.

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