Senator Baldwin and Governor Evers Highlight $49 Million Investment’s Impact on Milwaukee’s Wisconsin Tech Hub

Senator Baldwin and Governor Evers Highlight $49 Million Investment's Impact on Milwaukee's Wisconsin Tech Hub

MILWAUKEE, WI – Today, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers visited Milwaukee Area Technical College’s (MATC) workforce training facility. They celebrated the $49 million investment Baldwin secured for Wisconsin’s Tech Hub to expand the state’s personalized medicine and biohealth sector. This investment will drive research and innovation, grow the economy, create jobs, and enhance American competitiveness in a cutting-edge industry. During their visit, Baldwin and Evers, along with MATC President Anthony Cruz and other consortium members, toured the facility and discussed the increasing opportunities for Wisconsinites to gain the education and training needed for jobs in this emerging sector.

“Jobs, jobs, and more jobs. That is what this Tech Hub will mean for Wisconsin,” said Senator Baldwin. “Whether in a high-tech lab, behind a computer, or on the production line, our Tech Hub will create numerous opportunities for Wisconsinites in a growing field. It was wonderful to visit MATC and see how our Tech Hub partners will help people acquire the skills needed for family-supporting careers, grow our Made in Wisconsin economy, and ensure our state remains a global leader in innovation.”

“It is no secret that Wisconsin’s multi-billion dollar biohealth industry is a significant economic driver supporting tens of thousands of jobs across the state. The state has been a committed partner in the Tech Hub process from the start, and I am glad my administration could help secure this important designation for Wisconsin,” said Governor Evers. “I want to thank Sen. Baldwin and the Biden-Harris Administration for their leadership and partnership in this crucial effort, as well as the support of MATC and other members of our BioHealth Consortium. Together, we’re ensuring Wisconsin continues to lead the way in innovation in this cutting-edge field.”

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