Greta Thunberg taken into custody during climate protest in Brussels

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist, found herself in police custody after participating in a climate demonstration in Brussels.

According to the Belgian news agency Belga, the sit-in blockade on Saturday afternoon involved approximately 150 activists, including the 21-year-old.

The protesters demanded that subsidies for fossil fuels be abolished.

Greta Thunberg has already faced multiple instances of temporary detainment.

Greta Thunberg gained global recognition for her “school strike for the climate,” which sparked the formation of the international climate movement known as Fridays for Future.

Following the Islamist Hamas attack on Israel a year ago and Israel’s subsequent military action in the Gaza Strip, she has consistently stood in solidarity with the Palestinians and condemned Israel for committing acts of genocide.

Critics have accused Thunberg of showing a biased pro-Palestinian position during the war in Gaza and the events leading up to it. In Brussels, she was seen wearing a keffiyeh, a checkered scarf that has become a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian cause.


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