Dementia Caregiver Engages in Inappropriate Behavior with Elderly Patient and Assaults Child

The defendant, a 28-year-old man later known as JoeI, pleaded guilty to numerous offenses, including Iewd actions on a dependent adult, and was sentenced to nearly 17 years in prison, according to court documents.

The accused was previously found guilty by a jury of multiple crimes, including attempted murder and assault with the intent to commit r-pe during a burglary, according to court records.

The defendant allegedly sexually attacked two victims at an elderly care home where he worked, as the inquiry progressed. The facility’s patients primarily suffered from dementia and Alzheimer’s. While the victim was in the defendant’s care, he assaulted her by shoving her into the bed and trying to take her clothing off.

The defendant then escorted a female patient, who was 90 years old, to a storage closet, locked her there, and subjected her to Iewd acts until other members of the staff started pounding on the door. The defendant remained inside a house he had broken into the day afterward. He was taken into custody and then returned to his family members.

The defendant was granted permission by the family to spend the night at their residence.The defendant also brutally assaulted and choked a 6-year-old girl who was spending a sleepover with the daughter of the household on the same night.

Fortunately, the defendant was choking and abusing the tiny girl when the girl’s relatives heard a disturbance. The victim sustained facial injuries in addition to braln trauma. The defendant changed his plea from not guilty due to insanity to guilty throughout the trial.


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