55-Year-Old Pays Just $96 Monthly for Health Insurance: Costs Could Skyrocket 186% Next Year

Lisa Jolly’s story highlights the crucial role the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and enhanced premium tax credits play in providing healthcare coverage for many Americans, particularly those with significant health issues. Here’s a summary of her situation and the broader context surrounding the ACA subsidies:


  • Health Conditions: Jolly, 55, has lived with type 1 diabetes since age 32 and faces additional health challenges, including neuropathy, stage 3 kidney disease, and anemia.
  • Loss of Coverage: After her divorce in 2021, she lost her insurance through her ex-husband’s employer, leading to significant anxiety about how she would afford healthcare.

Enrollment in ACA

  • Access to Coverage: In 2022, Jolly enrolled in the ACA marketplace and qualified for enhanced premium tax credits, reducing her monthly premium to $96.
  • Impact of Subsidies: These credits, which were introduced temporarily in 2021 and extended through 2025 by the Inflation Reduction Act, have been crucial for many enrollees. Nearly 19.7 million ACA enrollees (92% of all enrollees) benefit from these credits, which cut costs by an average of 44%, saving around $705 annually.

Potential Consequences of Subsidy Expiration

  • Increased Costs: If the enhanced subsidies expire, Jolly’s monthly premium could rise to $275, a 186% increase, creating significant financial strain.
  • Broader Impact: Estimates suggest that around 3.8 million people could become uninsured if these subsidies are not extended. The potential expiration of the credits poses a significant threat to those relying on them for affordable healthcare.

Legislative Efforts

  • Current Bills: Democratic Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Tammy Baldwin have introduced the Health Care Affordability Act, aimed at making the enhanced premium tax credits permanent. An identical bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Lauren Underwood.
  • Political Challenges: The success of these bills depends on the political landscape following the upcoming elections. With the possibility of a divided Congress, passing such legislation may be challenging. Republican lawmakers have raised concerns about the long-term costs to taxpayers, estimating a $335 billion increase in the budget deficit over the next decade if the subsidies are made permanent.

Personal Struggles

  • Financial Difficulties: Jolly’s income comes from a spousal settlement, and her health issues prevent her from maintaining a full-time job. She is trying to find part-time work but faces challenges due to her condition.
  • Rising Costs: With increasing grocery prices and healthcare costs, Jolly describes her financial situation as “almost unbearable,” emphasizing the vital role subsidies play in her ability to afford health insurance.


Jolly’s experience underscores the importance of maintaining affordable healthcare options for those with pre-existing conditions and low income. The outcome of legislative efforts to extend enhanced premium tax credits will be pivotal for millions of Americans who depend on these subsidies to afford necessary healthcare coverage.


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