Alabama DG Stores Pose Threat to Customers and Employees

These businesses keep appearing on every corner, but they never really tackle the root issues of their business model.

Why have we forgotten about the importance of cultivating a business through satisfied customers and contented employees?

Dollar General has a vast presence across the nation, with approximately 17,000 stores. With a workforce of over 150,000 employees, the company continues to make a significant impact.

Dollar General, one of the fastest-expanding retailers in the U.S., is poised to open more than 1,000 new stores this year.

DG has faced fines amounting to over $4 million nationwide since 2016.

Dollar General Stores in Alabama have incurred fines for the following reasons.

Not ensuring the provision of safe exits during an emergency.

Workers are at risk of encountering slip and trip hazards.

The Hazards of Getting Hit by Falling Boxes

One of the potential risks that workers face in various industries is the danger of being struck by falling boxes. This is a serious concern as it can result in severe injuries or even fatalities. Whether it’s in a warehouse, construction site, or retail setting, the presence of stacked boxes overhead poses a significant threat.

The weight and size of these boxes can vary, depending on the nature of the industry. For instance, in a warehouse, heavy boxes of inventory or equipment may be stored on high shelves. If not properly secured or stacked, they can easily topple and come crashing down. This can cause head injuries, broken bones, or other traumatic injuries to workers below.

Construction sites are another environment where falling boxes can be a hazard. Here, materials, tools, and equipment are often transported in boxes or containers. If not properly secured or stored, these boxes can fall from scaffolding, ladders, or other elevated areas, posing a risk to workers on the ground.

Even in a retail setting, where boxes may not be as heavy, the risk is still present. In the backrooms or storage areas, boxes of merchandise may be stacked haphazardly. If an employee attempts to retrieve an item from an unstable pile, the boxes can easily shift and fall, potentially causing injuries.

To mitigate the risks of being struck by falling boxes, employers must prioritize safety measures. This includes proper training on the correct handling and stacking of boxes, as well as the use of appropriate equipment such as ladders or forklifts. Regular inspections should also be conducted to ensure that boxes are securely stored and that any potential hazards are promptly addressed.

In conclusion, the dangers of being struck by falling boxes are a significant concern in various industries. Employers must take proactive steps to ensure the safety of their workers by implementing proper training, equipment, and regular inspections. By doing so, the risk of injuries or accidents can be significantly reduced, creating a safer working environment for everyone involved.

The electrical panels are often placed in inappropriate locations.

Dollar General has been classified by the Labor Department as a “severe violator” of safety standards. This designation has led to the company being the first to be included in the Severe Violator Enforcement Program (SVEP), which has recently been expanded.

Dollar General plans to open more than 700 new stores in 2015.

In September 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) made revisions to the criteria for the SVEP. These updates aim to enhance enforcement efforts and promote better adherence to safety standards.

Since 2017, OSHA has conducted inspections at more than 270 Dollar General stores, uncovering a total of 111 workplace safety violations.

Dollar General’s business model, with its small-scale stores and minimal staffing, has led to potential hazards as inventory tends to accumulate in the aisles.

The company has recently received citations for various safety violations, such as blocked fire extinguishers, obstructed exit routes, cluttered aisles, and stacked boxes in an unsafe manner. In the past, the company has often contested penalties, but now they are engaged in early discussions with OSHA regarding potential settlements.

Furthermore, they had a recent issue with a distribution center that was plagued by a rat infestation.

Dollar General has a business model that may present certain risks, but it is still the company’s duty to prioritize the safety of its employees and customers by providing secure working conditions.

According to Doug Parker, Assistant Secretary for OSHA, Dollar General has a notorious track record of neglecting safety protocols that could prevent serious injury or even death during fire or emergency situations.

As an avid supporter and customer of DG, I genuinely hope that they improve their operations in Alabama and across the country. On a personal note, my only grievance with DG is the fact that they are not open 24 hours, which would be incredibly convenient.