MTG demands that Fauci be ‘tried for mass murder’ following hearing

MTG calls for Fauci to be ‘tried for mass murder’ after hearing

After the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic’s hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) maintained her passionate stance and confronted congressional witness Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Following the committee hearing, Greene expressed her views to the media, stating that the lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, children being forced to stay at home, suicides, and all the other horrors that this country faced during COVID are the responsibility of the Democrats.

In her statement, she expressed her strong belief that Fauci should be held accountable for his actions and that he deserves to be tried for mass murder and crimes against humanity. She emphasized that her opinion is shared by many Americans who feel similarly after witnessing the hearing.

During the hearing, the Georgia congresswoman launched a scathing attack on Fauci, stating that he “belongs in prison.”

Lawmakers grilled the 83-year-old immunologist about his pandemic guidance on masking, vaccine mandates, and the lab leak theory during his leadership.

During the hearing, Greene refused to address Fauci with the honorific “doctor” and instead referred to him as “Mr. Fauci,” which resulted in a clash between the two.

During the hearing, the speaker referred to Mr. Fauci as “Mr. Fauci” instead of “doctor”. She strongly expressed her opinion by stating that he does not deserve to hold a license and should have it revoked. She even went as far as to suggest that he belongs in prison.

According to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), it is not acceptable to deny someone’s professional credentials simply because we disagree with their beliefs. He challenged Greene’s actions by asking, “Can we really disregard a doctor’s qualifications just because it doesn’t align with our personal opinions?” This remark emphasizes the importance of respecting individuals’ expertise and not allowing personal biases to cloud our judgement.

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During the conversation, Greene persisted in not addressing him as “doctor” and questioned him about the necessity of children wearing masks in schools and the implementation of social distancing protocols.

As she wrapped up her remarks, Greene suggested that the committee should take action against Dr. Fauci. “Instead of just discussing the matter, we should be recommending prosecution and writing a criminal referral against you for your crimes against humanity. It’s time for you to be held accountable for your actions, Dr. Fauci. You deserve to be behind bars,” she stated.