Experts on borders predict that Biden’s plan would lead to an additional influx of 2 million people annually into the country.

According to several former border security leaders who have served under multiple presidents and have had extensive careers in law enforcement, President Joe Biden’s recent announcement on border security will not result in securing the border. Instead, they believe that it will only make it easier for illegal immigration to occur, potentially bringing in an additional two million people into the country illegally each year.

According to former U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, the executive action will not result in the complete shutdown of the border. However, it will lead to the legalization of an unjustified level of open borders, which will only worsen the chaos and lawlessness that the Biden Administration has been struggling to contain. Morgan further points out that the proposed action will pave the way for over one million illegal aliens to be released into the country annually. Additionally, the CBP One app will allow another one million inadmissible aliens to fly to interior airports within the U.S.

In his executive action, Biden stated that migrants can only receive asylum by following the established lawful process. This involves making an appointment through a port of entry, which can be done through the CBP One app.

Several attorneys general are taking legal action to prevent the app’s usage, contending that it circumvents laws established by Congress and establishes an “illegal visa” program.

According to Morgan, the president’s executive action fails to secure the border in any meaningful way. He pointed out that it doesn’t put an end to catch and release or the unlawful use of parole. Additionally, it doesn’t increase interior enforcement or close the significant loopholes being exploited by the cartels. Furthermore, the action doesn’t provide any additional resources to U.S. Customs and Border Protection to effectively secure, defend, and protect our nation’s borders.

Morgan has been raising concerns about the potential threat posed by known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) who might be entering the country through the southwest and northern borders. Unfortunately, Biden’s executive action fails to address this issue, which is a cause for worry.

According to The Center Square, Biden’s recent action is specifically targeted towards the southwest border and does not include the northern border. Despite the fact that the northern border is currently experiencing a record number of illegal entries and has apprehended the highest number of KSTs in the nation.

According to Biden’s plan, restrictions on asylum will take effect when there are “high levels of encounters at the Southern Border that exceed our capacity to provide timely consequences.”

According to The Center Square, the northern border is seeing a higher number of KSTs apprehended compared to the southwest border. Additionally, there are record numbers of illegal border crossers reported entering the northern border.

“Why is the president taking any action now when he has been repeatedly stating for years that the border is secure?” questioned Tom Homan, who served as the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the Trump administration.

When asked about the current situation at the border, he expressed his confusion, saying, “Why is he taking any action?” In his opinion, both the President and the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, have repeatedly claimed that the border is secure for the past three years.

According to Homan, to win the presidential re-election and address the concerns of Americans regarding Biden’s border policies, he must take bold steps such as shutting down the border and putting a definitive end to this situation.

According to him, the President and his administration aim for open borders, a statement he has previously made. He also reiterated that President Biden is the first U.S. leader to deliberately leave the border unsecured, resulting in the most significant national security crisis since 9/11.

According to Homan, the surge of KSTs crossing the border and the increase in cartel and gang-related crimes in American cities are not accidental occurrences. “This is all by design,” he stated, highlighting the administration’s role in the matter. Despite the Democrats’ complicity in the deception, “everyone on the Hill knows it,” Homan said. He further criticized the administration’s actions as a “shameful political move” orchestrated just before an election.

Rodney Scott, former Chief of U.S. Border Patrol, disagreed with the reported assertion that Biden’s plan restricts illegal entries to 2,500 per day, labeling it as mere “political theater.”

Scott emphasized that permitting the prevailing lawlessness in immigration policies won’t deter foreign nationals from attempting to illegally enter the United States. He firmly believes that if we fail to regulate who and what enters our country, any notion of safety is an illusion.

The Biden plan, like the Senate bill, has certain restrictions in place. However, it also has exceptions similar to the daily limits outlined in the Senate bill. Despite being touted as the strongest immigration bill in the country, the Senate bill did not receive a hearing and ultimately failed. Under the Biden plan, exceptions to immigration limits would be made for families and unaccompanied minors who are not citizens of Canada or Mexico. This means that individuals from all over the world would be considered for entry, which aligns with current policy as reported by The Center Square.

According to Morgan, it’s evident that this action taken by the president to secure our borders, five months before the election, is not a genuine effort. He believes that it’s merely a political move and lacks any meaningful substance.