Immediate Recall of Soft Drink Brand Available in New Jersey

A recall has been initiated by a soft drink company that distributes its products in nine states, including New Jersey.

The Charles Boggini Company has issued a recall for two of its products: the Pink Lemonade and the Cola Flavoring Base.

The company’s products are available for purchase in several states, including Arizona, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and of course, New Jersey.

Products Affected by the Voluntary Recall

The use of FD&C Red #40 and sulfites by the company has become a major concern. The Charles Boggini Pink Lemonade, Yellow Lemonade, Yellow Lemonade X, and Charles Boggini Company Cola bases have been identified as Class 2 health hazards. reports that Red dye #40, a petroleum-derived substance, is found in a wide range of daily use products and has been associated with health concerns such as allergies and cancer.

If you happen to be asthmatic, it is important to note that the dye utilized in both Yellow Lemonade and Yellow Lemonade X could trigger an allergic reaction.

According to reports, the cola base allegedly contains sulfites which can potentially trigger skin reactions, respiratory problems, or digestive complications.

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Restaurants are the primary purchasers of these products.

It can be a bit perplexing to understand the reason behind the recall.

Confusing Story Behind the Recall

In March, the FDA ordered a recall of dyes that are commonly used in everyday products. Despite their widespread use, the recall was deemed necessary.

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