Alabama under severe thunderstorm watch until 1 a.m. Monday

At 6:04 p.m. on Sunday, a severe thunderstorm watch was issued by the National Weather Service, effective until 1 a.m. on Monday. The watch applies to Autauga, Bibb, Blount, Calhoun, Chambers, Cherokee, Chilton, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Dallas, Elmore, Etowah, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Jefferson, Lamar, Lee, Marengo, Marion, Perry, Pickens, Randolph, St. Clair, Shelby, Sumter, Talladega, Tallapoosa, Tuscaloosa, Walker, and Winston counties.

Lightning on the horizon: Expert safety measures for thunderstorms

During the summer months, lightning strikes the United States around 25 million times annually. Despite being a spectacular natural event, it’s also a major hazard, with around 20 people losing their lives each year due to lightning strikes, as reported by the weather service. The risk of being struck by lightning is at its highest when thunderstorms are close by, and decreases as they move away.

When caught in a thunderstorm, it’s important to keep yourself safe. Here are some tips to follow:

Lightning Safety Plan:

    • When venturing outdoors, it’s vital to establish a clear plan for seeking shelter in case of lightning.
    • Monitor the sky for threatening signs and listen for the sound of thunder. If thunder is audible, it’s an indication that lightning is nearby.
    • Seek shelter promptly in a safe location, preferably indoors.

2. Safety Measures Indoors:

When it comes to staying safe indoors, there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and those around you. One of the most important measures is to maintain good ventilation by opening windows or using air purifiers. It is also crucial to wear a mask when you are indoors with people who are not part of your household, especially in crowded spaces. Additionally, you should practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face. If you are feeling unwell, it is important to stay home and seek medical attention if necessary. By following these safety measures, you can help prevent the spread of illnesses and keep yourself and others healthy.

    • Once you’re indoors, avoid using corded phones, electrical devices, plumbing fixtures, and stay away from windows and doors.
    • These precautions help reduce the risk of electrical surges, as lightning can follow conductive pathways.

Wait for the all-clear: It is crucial to wait for the all-clear before returning to a potentially dangerous area. This could be a building that was evacuated due to a fire or a neighborhood that was evacuated due to a natural disaster. Even if you believe the danger has passed, it is important to follow the instructions of authorities and wait until they give the all-clear signal. Rushing back too soon could put yourself and others in danger. So, be patient and wait until it is safe to return.

    • After the last lightning strike or thunderclap, wait at least 30 minutes before resuming outdoor activities.
    • It’s important to remember that lightning can strike even when a storm seems to have passed, so exercise caution.

If there’s no indoor shelter:

Maximize your safety if you are caught outdoors with no access to indoor shelter during a thunderstorm by following these steps:

    • Avoid open fields, hilltops, or ridge crests, as they expose you to greater lightning risk.
    • Steer clear of tall, isolated trees and other prominent objects. In wooded areas, stay close to lower stands of trees.
    • If you’re with a group, ensure individuals are spread out to prevent lightning current from transferring between people.
    • Camping in an open setting during a thunderstorm is strongly discouraged. If no alternative exists, set up camp in a valley, ravine, or other low-lying areas. Remember that a tent offers no protection against lightning.
    • Do not approach water bodies, wet objects, or metal items. Although water and metal do not attract lightning, they conduct electricity effectively and can pose significant risks.

Rainy roadways ahead: Essential safety tips for heavy rain

During heavy rainfall, roads can become dangerous to navigate due to the water accumulation. To ensure your safety, it’s crucial to stay informed and follow these tips provided by the weather service.

Be cautious of fast-moving water:

    • In heavy rain, refrain from parking or walking near culverts or drainage ditches, where swift-moving water can pose a grave danger.
    • The two-second rule for following distance is your ally in heavy rain. Extend it to four seconds to ensure safe spacing in adverse conditions.
    • If it is raining and the roads are wet, slow down. Take your foot off the accelerator and let your speed drop gradually. Never use the brakes suddenly because this may cause the car to skid.

Pick Your Lane with Care:

    • Stick to the middle lanes to minimize the risk of hydroplaning. Outer lanes are more prone to accumulating water.

It is crucial to understand the importance of visibility. This means that being seen and heard is essential in today’s world. Without visibility, it is challenging to get your message across and make an impact. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on increasing visibility through various means, such as social media, networking, and marketing strategies. By doing so, you can create a strong presence and reach a wider audience, which can ultimately lead to success in your endeavors. Remember, visibility matters!

    • Enhance your visibility in heavy rain by activating your headlights. Be particularly vigilant for vehicles in blind spots, as rain-smeared windows can obscure them.

Be cautious of roads that are slippery.

    • The first half-hour of rain is when roads are slickest due to a mix of rain, grime, and oil. Exercise heightened caution during this period.

Maintain a safe distance from bigger vehicles:

    • Large trucks and buses can reduce your visibility with tire spray. Avoid tailgating and pass them swiftly and safely.

Don’t forget about your windshield wipers:

    • Overloaded wiper blades can hinder visibility. If rain severely limits your sight, pull over and wait for conditions to improve. Seek refuge at rest areas or protected spots.
    • If the roadside is your only option, pull off as far as possible, preferably past the end of a guard rail, and wait until the storm passes. Keep your headlights on and turn on emergency flashers to alert other drivers of your position.

When you’re driving in heavy rain, taking certain precautions can go a long way in keeping you safe. It’s important to stay up-to-date on weather conditions and follow any guidance from local authorities to ensure your journey is secure.

United Robots offers the Advance Local Weather Alerts service that uses cutting-edge machine learning technology to gather up-to-date information from the National Weather Service.

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