Senator Lindsey Graham’s Interview on “Face the Nation” on June 9, 2024

It’s uncertain if the Biden administration would approve of that. However, speaking of the matter you just brought up…

During an interview, Margaret Brennan discussed how President Biden had reached an agreement with French President Macron regarding the use of profits from frozen Russian assets to support Ukraine. She also mentioned that the European countries have been hesitant to seize these assets due to the potential negative impact on their banks.

During an appearance on Steve Bannon’s show, Senator Tommy Tuberville, a Republican colleague, made a controversial statement about the Ukrainian President, Volodomyr Zelensky, calling him a dictator and unconstitutional. Additionally, he made a comment about Vladimir Putin which has raised eyebrows.

Please provide me with the text you want me to re-write.

According to Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is not interested in acquiring Ukraine or Europe. He already has enough land of his own. His primary concern is to ensure that there are no United States weapons in Ukraine aimed at Moscow.

Please turn off the sound on the tape.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Your fellow Senator’s remarks seem to echo some talking points from Russia. Senator, do you believe that these comments are representative of the entire GOP?

Margaret Brennan and her guest discuss the latest news from the Middle East. Benny Gantz, one of the ministers in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s war cabinet, is expected to announce his resignation later today. Gantz had previously stated that he would resign if he was not given a day-after plan. The defense minister has also stated that there is no planning for the day after. The situation in the Middle East seems to be heading in an uncertain direction.

Senator Lindsey Graham believes that Benny Gantz will withdraw from the war cabinet, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will still have a majority. Despite this, Graham has expressed his admiration for Gantz. During his recent visit to Israel, he discovered that there is widespread opposition among Israelis to creating a Palestinian state, particularly if it is viewed as a reward for terrorism. Graham believes that a successful negotiation plan between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE is needed for Gaza and the West Bank, which will offer Palestinians hope, a better life, and ensure Israel’s security. Graham thinks that Gaza cannot be occupied permanently, and doing so would be disastrous for Israel. Therefore, the only plan he sees working is the one for the day after, once Hamas is destroyed militarily.

During the interview with Margaret Brennan, the Prime Minister Netanyahu did not clearly state that he would not pursue occupation.

Senator Graham confirmed that Prime Minister Netanyahu will be visiting on July 24th. Graham has had extensive talks with Netanyahu and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman regarding the ongoing conflict with Hamas. He believes that it is crucial for the war to continue until Hamas is completely destroyed militarily and cannot pose any further threat.

Margaret Brennan reached out to initiate a conversation with you.

Senator Graham stated that there will be formations in the near future.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic, shall we? Margaret Brennan has some more questions to ask you.

Senator Graham has stated that a plan is currently in the works and will be coming soon.

After the commercial break, we’ll continue our discussion on this topic. Please bear with us for a few moments and we’ll be right back with more insights.


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Margaret Brennan pointed out that they are unable to do so.

In a recent speech, Senator Graham expressed his concern for Israel’s safety and the threat posed by Hezbollah. He emphasized the danger of radical Islam and their desire to harm both Jewish and American people. Senator Graham strongly advocated for providing Israel with the necessary weapons to defend itself against such threats. He also expressed his disappointment with the current administration’s slow approach to this issue and warned against making the same mistakes of the past. In particular, he highlighted the IDF chief’s concern about a potential nuclear breakout by Iran and his request for joint military operations with the US to prevent it. Senator Graham urged against pulling the plug on Israel, emphasizing that such actions did not work in the past and will not work now.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Before we wrap up, I want to touch upon the deportation issue. The Biden administration deported, expelled or repatriated over 740,000 individuals in the past year, which is the highest number since 2010. You recently stated that there should be mass deportations. But aren’t the figures we just discussed already indicative of mass deportations?

Senator Graham pointed out that the number of people entering the country illegally has reached a staggering 10 million. This is the highest level of illegal immigration in the last three years and in the entire history of the United States. During the Trump administration, illegal immigration was at its lowest, but now it has skyrocketed. Senator Graham believes that unless something is done, this trend will continue and illegal immigration will not stop.

As the COVID pandemic continues to affect the world, Margaret Brennan brings us the latest updates and insights.

Senator Graham claimed that President Trump’s immediate action upon taking office would involve the deportation of tens of thousands of legal immigrants. He argued that this was necessary to prevent further immigration, something that Biden would not do.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Congress would need to allocate resources to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement for such an endeavor, but they claim to lack the necessary manpower and funds to carry out such a task on such a large scale.

Senator Graham emphasized that if Trump becomes the president, his primary focus will be to secure the border and deport individuals who are residing in the country illegally. He further added that the nation is at risk of another 9/11 attack and time is running out. In his opinion, Trump’s leadership will be the best option to fix the broken border and ensure the safety of the country. Senator Graham urged the people not to make the mistake of underestimating Trump’s ability to deliver on his promises, especially after his successful track record in the last three years.

Margaret Brennan spoke with Senator Graham today, who joined the conversation from London. The Senator graciously made time for the interview.