Free summer lunch programs launched by school districts in Northeast Wisconsin

Food-insecure families face a challenging period during summer as students lose access to the nutritious meals they typically receive at school. However, several districts in our area are stepping up to provide assistance and bridge the gap. De Pere is one such district that is taking proactive measures to combat food insecurity among its students.

Summer vacation has officially started for many schools in Northeast Wisconsin, but students can still enjoy a free lunch at the cafeteria. Appleton and West De Pere have both launched their summer lunch programs this week.

During the summer season, families experiencing food insecurity face a significant challenge as their children may no longer have access to nutritious meals they usually receive at school. However, several districts in our area are taking proactive steps to address this issue and provide support to these families. (Source: WLUK)

Anne McVey, a food service supervisor with the West De Pere School District, praised the program, stating that it is an excellent option for people who cannot leave their homes for lunch or for those who live nearby and can walk to the program. She highlighted the importance of the program in providing nutritious meals to children, including fruits, vegetables, and milk, which are essential for their overall health and well-being.

West De Pere is offering lunch services at Westwood Elementary along with two other non-school locations, Kelly Danen Park and Nicolet Townhomes.

According to McVey, the children are offered a choice between milk and fruit, but they can opt for both. They are also given a selection of vegetables and a hot item, which happens to be pizza today.

Families who are mindful of their expenses find the free summer lunch program and the availability of breakfast in certain districts to be quite helpful.

Drew Cervantes, a single mother, expressed her gratitude by saying, “It’s such a massive relief. These are challenging times, and with the soaring prices of groceries, it’s heartening to receive support from the community to help us tide over these difficult times.”

Families who partake in the summer lunch program not only benefit financially, but they also value its significance beyond monetary assistance.

During this summer, the Appleton Area School District is offering free lunches to individuals under the age of 18 at various schools. This initiative is aimed to ensure that every child has access to a nutritious meal during the summer months. (WLUK)

Jessica Blavat, a mother from West De Pere, expressed her excitement at the prospect of trying new and different items on the menu. “Honestly, it gives an option to try different and new things too. I saw on the menu, later they have beet sticks later this week. I’ve never tried beet sticks, he definitely hasn’t. That will be a new option,” she said. Jessica appreciates the availability and the opportunity to experiment with new dishes in a controlled environment, which is something she and her family are looking forward to.

According to Chris Lani, who also has children attending West De Pere, having the option to quickly jump into summer activities is helpful during the long break when plans are not always in place. Additionally, it is a great opportunity for kids to reconnect with their classmates while enjoying their time off.

West De Pere School District is providing a convenient option for families with its weekly bulk meal pick up. This service offers frozen and refrigerated breakfast and lunch options for an entire week. The district has already received a positive response, with approximately 300 families already registered for this service, which takes place every Wednesday.

According to McVey, the product is suitable for anyone, regardless of their financial situation. It provides a convenient solution for those who may not have the time or resources to prepare their meals. In McVey’s opinion, the product serves both purposes effectively.

This summer, many families have plans to take advantage of the incredible opportunities available.

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