First arrest made in Dothan under new state law prohibiting electronic stalking

The Dothan Police Department has made its first arrest related to Alabama House Bill 153, which was passed last year. This news comes after the department’s diligent efforts to enforce the law.

Electronic stalking and the use of evolving technology to inflict harm on others are addressed by this law.

According to Lt. Scott Owens with DPD, electronic stalking becomes a felony when an individual’s location is tracked with the intention of surveilling, harassing, or stalking them.

Jeremie Michael Spencer, a 43-year-old, was apprehended by the Dothan Police this week for the crime of electronic stalking.

Owens pointed out that the lawmakers in Montgomery recognized the challenge of keeping up with advancements in technology and tracking. Laws are constantly changing in an effort to tackle these issues. According to Owens, devices such as Air Tags, which activate individuals’ location finders without their permission to monitor their movements, can easily meet the criteria for stalking.

In just eight days, Spencer bombarded the victim with over 50 threatening phone calls and messages. Such behavior is precisely what the law references, along with the use of a tracking device.

Thanks to the victim’s quick thinking, the police were able to crack the case open after several days of investigation.

According to Owens, the victim was able to uncover the location of the tracker that had been placed on her vehicle by checking her cameras. This proved to be a crucial piece of information in the case.

Lt. Owens aims to convey a strong message: committing this act is a criminal offense.

The district attorney’s office will work diligently to ensure that these crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

At DPD, we take incidents of stalking very seriously due to the long-lasting impact they can have on victims.

It is important to remember that cases like this serve as a reminder for everyone to maintain good situational awareness.

If you suspect that you have a stalker, it’s crucial to take precautions such as varying your usual routes to and from work and seeking refuge at a nearby police station if you notice someone tailing you.

According to Lt. Owens, ensuring your safety with technology is crucial, especially when it comes to electronic stalking.

According to Owens, it’s crucial to be aware of the settings on your phone and other electronic devices. He advises everyone to take the time to understand how their phone and laptop work, as cyber threats can occur through any device. Owens emphasizes that it’s not just limited to phones; someone with technical knowledge of computers can hack into your laptop as well. Therefore, being aware of the security settings on your devices can go a long way in protecting you from cyber attacks.

Safety devices such as surveillance cameras are recommended by Lt. Owens.