Tennessee Revokes 77-Year-Old Navy Veteran’s License, Claims He’s Not a US Citizen

Tennessee Revokes 77-Year-Old Navy Veteran's License, Claims He's Not a US Citizen

After residing in America for over 70 years, a US Navy veteran expressed his feelings of unwelcomeness by the country as his citizenship was questioned by authorities in Tennessee.

David O’Connor finds himself in a frustrating predicament as the state DMV revokes his license, citing his inability to prove his US citizenship. Despite the fact that the country is preparing to commemorate Independence Day on July 4, O’Connor is currently entangled in a dispute with the DMV.

According to NewsChannel5, the 77-year-old has been a professional truck operator for an impressive 61 years and has held driver’s licenses in New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

O’Connor had obtained a license when he relocated to Tennessee eight years ago. However, his license was canceled by the state just last month, as per his statement.

According to O’Connor’s statement to NewsChannel5, he was informed that he should not have possessed the license initially since he could not demonstrate his citizenship.

Upon his visit to the Driver Service Center in McMinn County to renew his license and obtain a “Real ID,” O’Connor was faced with an unexpected obstacle. Although both of his parents are US citizens, they were residing in Canada briefly when he was born, resulting in him having a Canadian birth certificate. Unfortunately, this certificate was not accepted, causing a hindrance in the process.

O’Connor recalled how they replied with disapproval, stating “No, that’s not acceptable. We should not have granted you the license in the first place.” They proceeded to immediately revoke his license.

According to him, he is currently required to go through numerous hoops to validate his citizenship.

According to the outlet, O’Connor expressed his confusion regarding the current situation, stating that he has been living in the area for 77 years and none of it makes sense to him.

When he was just 17 years old, O’Connor joined the US Navy, serving as a sonar technician for a total of four years. His military discharge documents list him as an American, in addition to his parents’ US citizenship.

Every year, he exercises his right to vote, receives retirement benefits, and possesses a social security card.

The Navy veteran’s current situation is unfortunate because he cannot drive or board a plane without state approval and a license. Moreover, he won’t be able to participate in the forthcoming elections in November.

“I feel like my country doesn’t want me. I have always tried to do things the right way throughout my life. And now, I feel like I am nothing,” he shared with NewsChannel5.

Unfortunately, the O’Connors had plans to visit their family in Vermont, but due to not having a driver’s license, they were unable to fly there. In the end, O’Connor had to cancel their airline tickets and rely on his son to drive them to their destination.

Jean O’Connor, his wife, expressed her shock and anger towards the situation, stating that she was “flabbergasted and outraged.”

“I am absolutely astonished,” she expressed to NewsChannel5. “It’s outrageous and unacceptable that, after 77 years of living in this country, he is now deemed a non-citizen.”

The story generated a quick response from social media users who expressed their dismay at the mistreatment of O’Connor. Many comments referred to the treatment as “messed up” and “ridiculous”.

One user expressed disappointment at the treatment of the veteran, saying “It’s a shame they’re treating him this way. I hope he can resolve this soon. It’s heartbreaking to see a veteran treated like this.” Another user criticized the decisions made, stating “This is insane. Who is responsible for making these ridiculous decisions?”

We have contacted the Tennessee DMV to get their input on O’Connor’s license issue, as reported by The Independent.