Breaking News: Authorities Charge Mother in Toddler’s Drug Overdose

Mother Charged with Toddler's Drug Overdose

A La Porte woman, Lily Mae Allen, is facing charges of child neglect in La Porte Circuit Court after her toddler suffered a drug overdose. The 22-year-old has been accused of this serious offense.

Police were called to a residence in the 300 block of Oberriech Street located in the east side of the city, where they discovered an 18-month-old child experiencing shaking, vomiting and irregular breathing. The child was immediately transported to Northwest Health, where medical tests revealed methamphetamine in the toddler’s bloodstream. Following the incident, the child was placed in the custody of child protective services, as confirmed by the authorities.

Police have not yet disclosed how the child came into contact with methamphetamine. It is suspected that the incident occurred while Allen was smoking marijuana outside and the toddler was left unattended.

The Level 5 felony count could result in a sentence of one to six years for Allen.

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