RNC Honors Racist ‘Ole Miss’ Frat Bro Who Made Monkey Noises Towards Black Woman

White conservatives often pretend that they are being called out as racist for no apparent reason, which is quite obnoxious. However, their actions often reveal their intentional and obvious racism.

During the opening night of the Republican National Convention (RNC), Donald Trump and his followers showcased their “Black friends” as a means of proving that the GOP is not racist and that they are the only hope for the Black community. The intention behind this was to portray these individuals as Black voices in support of Trump and the GOP.

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As the video played, the commentator at RNC expressed a disturbing joy in the display of overt racism, and even went as far as suggesting it should be celebrated for providing some hope that not all college students have embraced the current trend of being woke.

I can’t help but feel dismayed by the day white people appropriated the term “woke.” It’s ironic how white conservatives think they can hide their racist language behind it, but in reality, they only expose themselves. They use the term “DEI hire” as their new n-word, hurling it at Black individuals in positions of power who were not hired through DEI programs. Similarly, they try to discredit the notion of “wokeness” by labeling a white man’s racism as proof of non-wokeness. However, their actions only serve to show that “wokeness” is indeed the opposite of bigotry.

In March, Elon Musk, a billionaire who supports Trump and is known for his controversial statements on Twitter, referred to the Oscars as a “woke contest” because he believed that non-white individuals were winning too many awards. However, it was pointed out to him that white actors and directors have dominated the major awards for almost every year since the Academy’s inception. After this realization, he quickly backpedaled and admitted that he was mistaken. In his mind, the opposite of whiteness dominating everything is what he considers to be “woke,” and this made everything right in his white world.

It’s often said that Black people only believe that Trump, Republicans, and white America are racist because Democrats and the media have brainwashed us. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Black people are capable of independent thought and have never relied on media outlets or politicians to guide our beliefs. In fact, every anti-racism movement in U.S. history has been led by the Black community, and every narrative on racism in America has started with us. It’s usually the Democrats and non-Black media who arrive late to the party, after Black people have already done the hard work of bringing attention to the issue.

We are not of the belief that Trump is racist simply because CNN or MSNBC has reported him as such. We know he is racist because he has openly targeted Black and brown congresswomen with the statement “go back where they came from”, despite their American birth and upbringing. We know he is racist because he made the statement “Laziness is a trait in Blacks”. Furthermore, he led the attack on critical race theory and banned diversity training in the workplace with an executive order during his presidency, and is currently promising to terminate all DEI programs throughout America if he is elected again. He complained about the renaming of military forts named after Confederate generals, and he called for the execution of the Central Park Five, even after they were exonerated. During his legal proceedings, he labeled every Black prosecutor as racist, without offering any justification other than the fact that they are Black. He believes that his mugshot and felony convictions made him more popular among Black people due to his association of the Black community with criminality and other racist stereotypes. The Department of Justice sued him for anti-Black housing discrimination in the 1970s. He generalized Mexican migrants as rapists and drug dealers and compared South American migrants to Hannibal Lecter. He referred to migrants as “animals” who are “not human” and expressed a desire for more white immigrants from “nice” European countries.

It’s clear that many people believe Trump is racist simply because of his actions and statements that exhibit racism. There’s no denying that Trump has made derogatory remarks about various minority groups, and his policies have been criticized for disproportionately affecting people of color. Therefore, it’s understandable why many people believe that Trump is a racist.

The Democratic party’s rhetoric is not the only reason we believe the GOP is racist. Their deliberate redistricting of congressional maps in order to suppress Black voting power is evidence of their discriminatory practices. Republican state legislatures and boards of education are actively erasing Black history to cater to white fragility. They have taken a combative stance against critical race theory and the concept of being “woke,” without even understanding what these terms mean. Additionally, they vehemently oppose diversity, equity, and inclusion, and their beliefs align with those of white nationalist organizations, including the Great Replacement Theory. It is also concerning that they rely on racist stereotypes to attract Black voters. These actions speak volumes about the GOP’s true intentions.

The Republican Party has showcased blatant acts of racism during the RNC, providing evidence of their bias towards certain races.

MAGA World racism did not need any help from the media or Democrats to create a negative perception. All they had to do was turn on a camera and capture it in action.

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