Milwaukee business helps victims by repairing smashed car windows for free

On Saturday morning, the car windows of various residents in Milwaukee’s Lower East Side were found smashed, leaving them in a state of distress. Fortunately, a local business has come forward to offer assistance to those affected by this unfortunate incident.

Residents in Milwaukee’s Lower East Side were greeted with an unpleasant sight on Saturday morning as they discovered that their car windows had been smashed.

A string of recent break-ins has left them as the latest victims in the area. However, there is a ray of hope as a local business is stepping up to assist them in picking up the pieces.

Madison Hicks was startled when an officer buzzed her apartment early in the morning. As she answered the door, the officer informed her that the windows of cars parked on the entire street had been punched in, including hers. “Hey, this whole street of cars got its windows punched in – yours is one of them,” the officer said.

Parking on the street for four years without any mishap, Hicks has now encountered a problem that cannot be ignored. Her window, which had remained intact until now, has been broken.

Despite reaching out to the Milwaukee Police Department for further details on the break-ins, FOX6 did not receive any response by the deadline for this story.

A group of teenagers were caught on camera setting fire to the car of a woman from Milwaukee, just four days after smashing the vehicle’s window.

Business steps up

According to Hicks, the police informed her that over 10 vehicles were damaged during the night. This is a recurring problem for a nearby business.

According to Mazen Muna, the owner of Metro Car Wash & Detailing, they have been dealing with the current situation for 16 years since the business was opened. However, he noted that this is the worst they have ever seen.

On Saturday, the Brady Street Festival saw hundreds of cars parked just a few blocks away from Muna’s business.

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According to him, this is not something that is happening overnight. It can occur in the broad daylight, even during a festival. The timing doesn’t matter.

Muna is lending a helping hand to individuals, including Hicks, to assist them in restoring their lives.

“He said that he believes helping people out is the right thing to do.”

At Metro Car Wash & Detailing, they provide assistance to victims of car break-ins without any charge.

In a noble act of kindness, Muna and his team have spent the last four days repairing damages caused by shattered glass and broken windows for 55 vehicles, without charging any fees.

Muna expressed her belief that with so much negativity and ugliness present in the world, it is essential for each of us to contribute towards making a positive impact on people’s lives.

Muna has implemented a short-term solution that has made a significant impact. According to her, anyone who has been victimized can seek assistance.

Muna expressed gratitude for the unexpected appreciation she received from strangers who stopped to thank her for her work. She shared how those moments of recognition made her long and stressful day significantly better.

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