Editorial Policy

We aims to provide accurate, impartial, well-balanced business, technology, science, politics, & health news and analysis. This editorial policy explains how we select and review the content and tools you see on our site, how we distinguish advertising and sponsored content from news content, how financial or other influences from outside our company affect our website, and how you may contact us to ask questions or comment on our website.

About This Policy

Web Sites Covered

This Editorial Policy applies to us. You should read the editorial policy at each website that you visit after you leave us. We are not responsible for how other websites handle editorial once you leave our website.

Editorial Policy Changes
Minor changes to the policy may occur that will not affect the overall goals this policy is designed to achieve. When the policy changes in a way that significantly affects the way we handle editorial matters, we will clearly draw the attention of our users to the change. We will post policy changes on our websites in a timely manner.

Editorial Policy

We are committed to providing you with balanced, accurate information. We employs editorial professionals who are responsible for content selection, development and maintenance processes. We recognize the importance of maintaining a clear separation between our independent editorial content and any materials that are advertising or any content that may be influenced by our sponsors. We also have organized the operations of our website to provide for appropriate separation of our education and promotion programs from an editorial perspective.

Sources of our Information

All material on our website that we present as our own is either created by us or is obtained from content providers whose editorial processes we have evaluated and found to be acceptable. The material we create is written either by our staff writers or freelance journalists whom we commission. Our content has been evaluated by in-house editors and all submitted content is reviewed for fair balance and whether learning objectives are met by the content. Sources for third-party editorial content include government agencies, not-for-profit organizations, universities, and key stakeholders that provide news and information about all the verticals we cover. Our editorial staff reviews most content from outside sources for accuracy, balance, completeness and timeliness before we make it available on our sites. In the cases where a complete review is not possible, we rely on spot-checking and our previous evaluation of possible sources of information and of the editorial procedures used by the information provider (for example, in the case of the use of government agency news releases). In most cases, the content we obtain from others has also been reviewed by the provider’s own in-house staff or subjected to review by independent authorities in the field. In some areas of our website, we make content available that comes from corporate partners and conference organizers. We design these areas to make it clear to the user that the content has not gone through our editorial process. We reviews site content regularly to ensure that it remains relevant. Where necessary, content found to be incorrect or out of date is corrected, updated, moved to an archive (where it remains available), or purged. We can use the editor’s notes to indicate when this has occurred.

Linking to other sites

We provide company logos or links to other websites throughout our website. These logos and links are not intended to imply that we approve of or recommend these entities to users. Where we are making a recommendation, we clearly state that fact in connection with the logo or link. We design our website with the goal of making it clear to you when you are leaving our websites for another website so that you will know that another site’s advertising, editorial policy, privacy policy, and terms of use are in effect.

Financial Information and Outside Influence

Currently, We like most information sites on the World Wide Web, does rely on advertising and sponsorship, including banner advertising, native advertising, video advertising and sponsored posts. With respect to sponsorship or other financial relationships, we observe the following principles:

  • We clearly separate sponsored content from non-sponsored content;
  • We may obtain revenues from third parties related to advertising sponsored by others on our website, including advertising revenues, commissions on consumer purchases, fees based on consumer use of links to other websites.
  • We do not intend any links to other websites, logos, or marks of other companies, or any co-branding to constitute recommendations unless we specifically indicate that we recommend them.
  • For research content on our website, we will clearly disclose the author or source of the material and the date of the material or its last update. Where we present content as the result of case studies, projects or academic research, we will clearly disclose the actual author of the content and others who have had a substantial role in writing, editing or otherwise preparing the material.
  • We require authors who write for us to complete a conflict of interest form that requires disclosure of any financial interests and affiliations that may influence, or have the appearance of influencing, the specific content they provide. If the conflicts, in our judgment, are significant, then we require their public disclosure in connection with the content on our website. We require the same of those who serve on our various editorial boards.


We welcome any comments, questions, or complaints you have about this editorial policy or our Web sites. Please feel free to contact us by sending an email to contact us.

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