Utilities recommend the best summer thermostat temperature

With rising temperatures in the Gulf Coast, it’s common to see an increase in both your water and power bills. But there’s good news: local power companies suggest that it doesn’t have to be a major financial burden.

According to a study conducted by WalletHub, Alabama ranked third in energy consumption in 2023, following Mississippi and Louisiana, and coming in just ahead of Arkansas and Tennessee. Unfortunately, the sweltering summer months only exacerbate the strain on energy customers.

Lily Jackson, spokesperson for Riviera Utilities, emphasized the significance of seemingly small actions such as closing blinds or unplugging toasters, stating that each adjustment can make a difference.

Riviera Utilities and Alabama Power have shared some helpful tips to help you save money on your water and power bills during hot weather. These tips can help you cut costs without sacrificing your comfort.

According to Riviera Utilities, Alabama Power suggests keeping your thermostat at 78 degrees or higher during hot weather. To make your home even more comfortable, you can use a ceiling fan and raise the temperature to 80 degrees. Of course, this suggestion is optional and depends on your personal comfort level. During more pleasant weather, opening windows is a great way to cool down your home without using electricity.

One simple way to save energy is to turn off or unplug things that aren’t being used. According to Riviera Utilities, switching off lights and fans and unplugging appliances that are not in use can make a significant difference. Additionally, taking advantage of natural light during the mornings and afternoons can also help reduce energy consumption.

According to Riviera Utilities, if you have leaky faucets or a constantly running toilet, it can result in a higher water bill. It is important to fix these problematic pipes as soon as possible.

Make sure to monitor your outdoor AC unit closely and ensure that it is clear of any debris or leaves, as advised by Riviera Utilities. To prevent the HVAC from being overworked, it is crucial to change the AC filters regularly.

Instead of relying solely on sprinklers, Baldwin County residents can utilize rainwater to water their lawns during periods of high heat and drought. Riviera Utilities recommends turning off scheduled sprinklers when rain is expected to not only conserve water but also reduce water bills. This simple tactic can help combat water shortages that often occur in the summertime due to excessive lawn-watering.

Take some of your chores outside: Instead of using the energy-consuming clothes dryer, try air-drying your clothes on a line outside. You can also opt to cook on a grill outdoors rather than using the stove, which can increase the temperature indoors.

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